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3 Ideas, 2 Quotes, 1 Challenge

3 Ideas, 2 Quotes, 1 Challenge 

Inspired by James Clear an expert in habit formation.

We have established this series in light of the alert level 4 lock down. We want the best for all our clients and if we can’t make an impact on your health face-to-face, we will do our best to do so virtually. So here is our first week of 3 ideas about Chiropractic, 2 quotes to help inspire you, and 1 challenge to perform this week. We hope you enjoy it.


1. Ideas from us: 

I. Our stance 

At Bays Chiropractic our stance was to be there for any of our patients in an emergency situation during the lock down, however our emergency services has been changed to NON-ESSENTIAL and we are unable to offer any treatment under the current guidelines from the government.

We are sorry we are unable to assist any of you in need of treatment, the profession is working on amending this guideline from the government and we will keep you updated on this.

If you have had any appointments booked during the isolation period, they will have been moved into May. We will be in contact with you prior to then to confirm dates and times.


II. Spinal maintenance and immunity

You can maximise your spinal and overall health while in lock down by moderating and ensuring that’s the following are adhered to, in order to build the most resilient immune system.

1. Sleeping (min 8 hours/day)

2. Diet (avoiding sugars, inflammatory processed foods, excessive carbohydrates)

3. Moderate activity (min 30min/day)

4. Minimising anxiety (keeping yourself occupied)

5. Supplementation (vit D, high potency vit C, zinc & magnesium)


III. Bays Chiropractic est 1973

Did you know Bays Chiropractic has been serving your community for almost 50 years!


2. Quotes from others

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right” – Henry Ford.

“Its not whether you get knocked down, its whether you get back up” – Vince Lombardi.


3. Challenge for you

I challenge you to head over to our Youtube channel (link below), check out Dr. Geoff taking you through some exercises to alleviate your lower back pain while in isolation.


If you enjoyed that, please share with others.

Till next week, stay home, be kind, save lives.



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